
When you have nothing to do...or nothing to write about.

You Pin. 
And then you daydream about making your pins a reality. 
And then you tell your husband about all the amazing projects he you are going to do. 
And he laughs. 
And says, 
"I'll get right on that, sweetheart."
And then I swoon. :)

We are moving into our apartment at the end of April and I can't contain the excitement that wells up inside of me when I think about decorating. Do you have any tips on decorating in a small space? I really want a white slip covered couch and 2 chairs on the sides. Wouldn't that be a lovely seating area? Ryan IS going to make me my tufted ottoman. We already have to table, we just need the other materials. No biggie, right? I'm madly in love with the above pottery barn living room. Its so soothing and warm. I lurve it, and I don't lurve much. :)
I'm going to attempt at making that barn like doors. I seriously think I know how to get 'er done. I'll keep you posted on that asap. 
Any ideas?

I'm thinking about doing a Q&A. Okay, I thought about it, all for 5 minutes, do you wanna ask me some questions? Pretty please, I'm getting kind of lonely here people. Talk to me, oooooooo ooooooooooo, talk to me. 
I was singing. 
Do you know what song that is?
Okay, enough random for one day. 
Tonight I am baby sitting some little munchkins like I do every Wednesday. I love these kids so much!
Happy Wednesday to you! 
Enjoy this hump day and do something fun! I'm thinking about making Thursdays a special date night. Like, Mexican food and Margaritas. Doesn't every one deserve a night like that?

Love you peeps. 
Don't be a stranger. 

A fabulous Life
