
A girl can dream!

If you don't personally know me, you should know one thing about me.
I am a dreamer. 
I think it is one of my greatest and worst qualities all at once. 
With that said, you should know that I am a woman who has ALWAYS struggled with her weight. I can't say I am fat, but I can say that I am overweight. I know how to carry myself pretty well, but I have gotten to a breaking point. 

I got married a month or so ago to an extremely good looking man. Yall, He's HOT! He is tall, lean and has a friggin 8 pack. I mean, husband is not hard to look at. He's perfect with His 2% body fat. (jerk!)
So, after being naked married with Him for said month, I am finally at a point where I have got to get going on the work out/eat right train or our physical relationship is going to suffer. So, I am gettin back on the band wagon. 
This is NOT a New Years Resolution. This is a life resolution. This is the breaking point. My goodness! Im so uncomfortable and sick of being the big girl. My tummy has gotta go. 
Im not going to be all brave and post a half naked picture of myself on here like some other bloggers, but I will post the most unflattering picture of myself and tell yall I am at my too high weight of 185.
Im this girl, closest to ya, with the belly. Shudder. 
 I've been this heavy for a few years now and it just cant be any more. Ryan loves me regardless, but yall He deserves a wife who cares about her body and wants to honor the Lord with it. I have dreams to have a flat tummy, a thiner face, fit arms. This can happen, right? 
Here is my inspiration:

We are going to the beach this summer and I am DETERMINED to put on an itty bitty bikini for the first time in my life. I know I will never be a tiny size 0 or 2 even, but I know that if I work hard, I can have the best body possible. 
"All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful but sorrowful, but for those who are trained by it, yeild the peaceful fruit of righteousness." Hebrews 12:11
Please pray for me, for my discipline and determination. I get down really easily on myself and give up really fast. Sometimes I just dont know how to keep going. 
If you have any suggestions, or words of wisdom, please share. 

Thanks for letting me be open and honest. 

A fabulous Life
