
New Chapter.

Things have been so crazy lately with Ryan and I.
I mean with changing jobs, looking for a job, finding an apartment, photo shoots, planning a wedding, showers and other friends getting married, I couldn't be more excited for January when Ryan and I head to Colorado for 5 days.
The Lord has done a great work in my life lately.
I got a new job about 2 weeks ago and just started yesterday.
I feel a huge weight has lifted off of my shoulder. I am no longer supervising anyone, no longer worrying about how many people are waiting in line to be checked out and no longer wearing a blue shirt.
There are so many more things that satisfy my soul in being done with that last chapter.
Now, a few more crazy busy weeks and the next chapter in my life will begin.
Only 53 more days and I will be a married woman.

A fabulous Life
